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IronOak studios forums > General Discussion > BBS team needs a Coder / BBS-Team sucht Coder!!!

Posted by: MadMax_FMM October 16, 2006 10:39 am

the BBS-Team is currently searching for a really needed CODER. If you're interested in joining the BBS-Team as a coder please send a mail to

- at least a few years experiences with coding
- c++ knowledge (or similar coding languages)

Desirable but not necessary:
- experiences with half-life (hl2) coding



das BBS-Team sucht derzeit dringend nach einem CODER. Wenn ihr Interesse an einer Mitarbeit im BBS-Team als Programmierer habt sendet eine Mail an:

- einige Jahre Coding-Erfahrungen
- C++ Kenntnisse (oder ähnliche Programmiersprachkenntnisse)

Wünschenswert aber nicht notwendig:
- Erfahrungen im HalfLife oder HalfLife2 Coding-Bereich

Vielen Dank!

Posted by: shibby October 16, 2006 01:27 pm
Are we allowed to share this informations? (e.g to other websites)

Darf man diese Info verteilen? (auf anderen Sites happy.gif

Posted by: hunter October 16, 2006 04:55 pm
Why dont you actually annonce bbs is in the works and actually get a proper team assembled, what would be the down side? If you announced this on planet half life, half life files and other majorly browsed areas then you would get a massive response.

Posted by: Zpin October 16, 2006 06:24 pm
As anounced on the main page:
This is public, you'll help BB:S by spreading it smile.gif

Posted by: psychotic goth45 October 16, 2006 10:34 pm
yeah spreding means bb will live longer

Posted by: Security Corporate October 16, 2006 11:28 pm

As I said a few times before, except no one listened to me then, spread the existence of BB/BB:S around. Especially BB:S, go to Half Life 2 Filefront, Planet Half Life, the works. Massive response? Hell fucking yes! The time just has to be taken for this. As for me, as soon as BB:S gets it own sub website or something, I'll post on the Gmod and PHW forums about BB:S.

Posted by: Zpin November 07, 2006 10:35 am
@Security Corporate: Yes, but we don't want that yet. The BB:S team doesn't even have a website, and the progress is rather unstable due to the recent lack of coders.

Posted by: mrmicky November 07, 2006 12:41 pm
Zpin nice bump !

Posted by: Zpin November 07, 2006 06:25 pm
... yes, thanks.
See the main page news, it links here.

Posted by: UndeadDuck November 20, 2006 12:42 am
Hey guys, long time no see.
I might be able to help out in the texturing department.
Contact me at AIM WacotheClown346
and email

Posted by: Paladinrocker December 28, 2006 06:21 pm
I've been coding with C and C++ for a couple years, but stopped about 6 months ago, so I don't know how much help I'd be able to give. I'm not the best either, but maybe I can help.

My e-mail is .

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