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> How to REPORT BUGS, Please read this first (it's short)
  Posted: December 01, 2004 08:38 pm
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Group: IronOak Leader (Admin)
Posts: 1337

Joined: July 14, 2002

- Please create a new topic per bugreport (you can mention multiple bugs per post, though) and please write the bug reports as compact as possible (meaning short and accurate).

- Please also try to describe how I can reproduce a bug (what do I have to do to make it occur or what happened right before ir occured).

- If it's a crash I need information about your operating system.

The race is not to the swift or the battle to the strong, nor does food come to the wise or wealth to the brilliant or favor to the learned; but time and chance happen to them all. - Ecclesiastes IX. 11.
The fool speaks, the wise man listens. - unknown
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Posted: December 01, 2004 09:04 pm
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Last hope of Mankind

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maybe it would be handy to keep the laguage english in here unless you cant describe it any way else.

spin might speak german... but i dont, and i would like to know what to watch out for smile.gif also maybe other people would like to see whats going on, to maybe avoid running into the same bug.

edit: almost forgot, dont forget to look if somebody else has posted the same bug already, and maybe add any info you can to that topic.

PMEmail PosterUsers WebsiteAOLYahoo
Posted: December 02, 2004 12:49 pm
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Just another Survivor

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I get this error no matter what server i try to join : The instruction at "0x0ca5d391" referenced memory at "0x0bc4edc0". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program [ OK ]
i have formatted since, download from different links, i have used 2 seperate steam accounts checked my hardware as everything else works fine please say u can help its so annoying.

Edit : TSS i couldnt reply since you locked the last thread however it has been prove its not a ram/memory problem on my part i now have 1024mb of DDR ram all new installed and reformatted etc etc and still the same error steam has admitted that it is related to their update and not due to memory problems on our side, some people that have had this problem with other mods as well and the Creaters of the mod hav altered things "apperntly" to solve this in an update is there anyway spin can do the same or at least offer more advice? i tried the custom files as well as the options reccommended in the steam forums.


Raziel: "Wiped from this world like **** from a boot... tbh"

PMEmail Poster
Posted: November 28, 2011 08:52 pm
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Rotten Meat

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Joined: November 28, 2011

I'll give my system Info and what says in console the error..
OS: Windows XP & Windows Vista Ultimate (XP BlackCrystal V8)
CPU: Intel® Celeron® D 2.53 GHz, 504 RAM

Console says:
Starting local server...
LAN servers are restricted to local clients (class C)

Any Idea? I'll add to exceptions all programs related to BB, and see what happens...
PMEmail Poster
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